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Thursday, August 11, 2016

What is BrickWork?

As a mason, I am surrounded by “brick work” on a daily basis.  Simply put, brickwork in the field of masonry is when a masonry contractor repairs (sometimes by tuck-pointing also known as re-pointing your bricks) or constructs a new project containing bricks (e.g. a fireplace or chimney).  Although a pretty general term for masons, most people in the masonry field use this term; those not in the field of masonry do not really know what brick work means.  Understanding why brickwork can be important, its first important to understand the basics.   

Bricks, although incredibly durable, are subject to deterioration over time.  The lifespan of a brick can be hundreds of years; your mortar around the bricks is a completely different story.  Water is a big culprit to the destruction of many structures.  The process of bricks and mortar breaking down can be accelerated by time and mostly by moisture; which St. Louis has had its fair share of lately.  The good news is that there is a way to stop the deterioration process.

Water can be the most destructive force to all elements of your home.  The best way to stop deterioration is to begin the repair process when you first see signs of wear and tear or even better is to take care of a problem before it starts; preventive maintenance of your brick structure may help save your building.  Taking care of your home chimney or other brick features through the practice of tuckpointing is one way to stop this damage.  Maintaining your home and all its components, including bricks, can assure you have an edge against water damage that can hurt your bricks structure and lead to potential future costly issues.  One sign you may need your building repaired is the crumbling of the mortar around your bricks.   Another sign may be water damage in your home.   Either way, it may be time to call someone to repair your brick structure before further damage occurs.